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Newswise: AI goes underwater: transforming coral reef conservation with cutting-edge image analysis
Release date: 3-Jun-2024 7:05 AM EDT
AI goes underwater: transforming coral reef conservation with cutting-edge image analysis
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In an era where coral reef ecosystems worldwide are under significant threat, the ability to accurately monitor and assess their health is more crucial than ever. This latest research introduces sophisticated deep learning models to enhance the precision and speed of coral reef imaging analyses, paving the way for more effective conservation strategies.

Released: 3-Jun-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Fewer than 1 in 4 patients receive dietary counseling after a heart attack
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Although diet is the leading contributor to premature death from heart disease in the United States, fewer than one-quarter of people who undergo major heart events receive dietary counseling in the aftermath, a study finds. The reason for such a low rate, researchers suggest, may be a lack of time for providing the counseling or expertise in this area by clinicians.

Newswise: Mapping soil health: new index enhances soil organic carbon prediction
Released: 3-Jun-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Mapping soil health: new index enhances soil organic carbon prediction
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A cutting-edge machine learning model has been developed to predict soil organic carbon (SOC) levels, a critical factor for soil health and crop productivity. The innovative approach utilizes hyperspectral data to identify key spectral bands, offering a more precise and efficient method for assessing soil quality and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.

Newswise: Tidal Innovations: Charting the Course for Coastal Urban Sustainability
Released: 3-Jun-2024 6:05 AM EDT
Tidal Innovations: Charting the Course for Coastal Urban Sustainability
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A recent study unveils the geographical features and development models of global estuarine cities. These cities, situated at the confluences of rivers and oceans, exhibit unique ecological and socioeconomic characteristics.

Newswise: Groundbreaking Progress in Quantum Physics: How Quantum Field Theories Decay and Fission
Released: 3-Jun-2024 5:00 AM EDT
Groundbreaking Progress in Quantum Physics: How Quantum Field Theories Decay and Fission
University of Vienna

An international research team around Marcus Sperling, a researcher at the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, has sparked interest in the scientific community with pioneering results in quantum physics: In their current study, the researchers reinterpret the Higgs mechanism, which gives elementary particles mass and triggers phase transitions, using the concept of "magnetic quivers."

Newswise: New Pathways for Treating Never-Smoker Lung Cancer Revealed
Released: 3-Jun-2024 12:00 AM EDT
New Pathways for Treating Never-Smoker Lung Cancer Revealed
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Korean joint research team have elucidated the overexpression of estrogen signaling pathways in specific Korean never-smoking lung cancer cases using multi-omics analysis and proposed the anti-cancer drug saracatinib as a targeted therapeutic agent.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Telemedicine may increase endocrinology care access for under-resourced patients with diabetes and heart disease
Endocrine Society

Widespread availability of telemedicine during the pandemic led to more equitable access to endocrinology care for patients with type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to a study being presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Two medication classes reduced cardiovascular and liver events in people with type 2 diabetes
Endocrine Society

GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1s) and SGLT-2 inhibitors lower the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attacks and severe liver complications compared to other diabetes treatments, according to data being presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Metformin may be as safe as insulin during pregnancy, 11-year data shows
Endocrine Society

Metformin is safe to use during pregnancy to manage diabetes, with no long-term adverse effects on the children born and their mothers for at least 11 years after childbirth, according to research presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass. This is the first study to look at longer term effects of metformin use during pregnancy.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
High insulin levels contribute to worse outcomes for Black women with aggressive form of breast cancer
Endocrine Society

High insulin levels contribute to worse outcomes for Black women compared to white women who have an aggressive form of breast cancer called triple-negative breast cancer, according to a study presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.
